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FATA 15% of Pakistan Population |
In FATA , there are no Electricity Meters supplied to the whole FATA , as they are no Bills and Money collected from the People of FATA which Forms about 15% Population of Pakistan are exempted them through an Un-written law that is implemented by Islamabad that has direct control over the Tribal,s Pashtuns of FATA.
These Presence of No Electricity meters is going on since in the 1960,s when General Ayub Khan when he had made the Warsak Dam with the Help of the Canadians , This Dam was made in FR Peshawar area of Peshawar district right under the control of DCO Peshawar and not under the Political agent of Khyber Agency .
FR Peshawar area is Adjacent to Peshawar Division and in Warsak Area of FR Peshawar that is an Area not inside of Khyber Agency but in Peshawar area which is Part of Pakhtunkhwa . Strangely this Area is declared also a tribal Area under the Federal Government since 1973 when the constitution of Pakistan was made . Although theses Areas could have been joined with Pakhtunkhwa at that time by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and also Abdul Wali Khan who was signing the constitution .
Areas that has designation of being under the FATA secretariat in Islamabad Illegally as they are actually inside of Border of Pakhtunkhwa and not Part of Map of FATA . which are distinctively separate from Pakhtunkhwa .
Because of No Electric Meters the 15 % Population is not required to pay any Money to State of Pakistan for the electricity they use .
The following Pay No Bills
- The FATA area Factories
- Bazaars and Commercial Places and Shopping centers
- Residential Homes
- Offices Belonging to Government of Pakistan
- Offices of FC Frontier Corps Manned by Army officers
- Offices of FC Frontier Constabulary as well.
- Army Cantonments and Places
2. Un-due Pressure on PESCO which Supplies Electric Supply to FATA:
This undue Theft of Electricity at such a Grand Scale because of State of Pakistan Doing it as an Organized crime and also Using this to under mine the Financial Viability of PESCO ( Peshawar Electric Supply Company ) , which supplies electricity to Whole Pakhtunkhwa Province , as FATA has no Electricity Distribution Company that is separate from Pesco and Tesco ( Tribal Electric supply company ) is mere eye Wash and part of Pesco .
Some Facts About Pesco :::
Some Facts About Pesco :::
- It is run by Federal Government and Most of its Officers are Punjabi's who came because of the 70% Quota they have from Pakistan State .
- Has the highest and Most Priciest on Unit of Electricity in whole of Pakistan although Electricity is mostly Produced in Pakhtunkhwa all the Dams are found here
- FATA and its 15% residents are the main Thieves and Crooks stealing Electricity and they are running Factories on it .
- The 6 FR areas inside of Pakhtunkhwa also consider their Birth Right to have Free Electricity as they are Tribal Area just like FATA so they wont Pay Bills as they demand first the FATA tribal Pay Bills then they will pay the Bills .
- Most of Pakistan cannot Differentiate Between Province Pakhtunkhwa and the Tribal Ares which are under the Federal Government neither these things are taught to them in schools and in media
3. No Laws Allowing this Theft of State Property but it is a State Bribe to Terrorists:
Why This is allowed in FATA is because it is a State Bribe to the Terrorists , that are Made as a Policy of Strategic Depth and as Great Game ,
Islamic terrorist were called from All over the World and they were settled in FATA and were Provided these free Electricity and Free Water Utilities and accommodation and were trained and made to Attack Neighboring Afghanistan and destroy it and make it Week so that it can sustain the Invasion of USA and its Bases . This was state Policy of Pakistan and it is being Followed in letter in spirit to this Day as Great Game and also Strategic Depth as it is called for the Push of Mercenaries and Taliban Terrorist who are funded by the Drug trade and also the Illegal Smuggling of Weapons to them from Karachi Port to FATA and then to Afghanistan , benefiting the Arms companies in USA and Europe.
FATA was the Launching Pad for this and it is also being used currently for this Purpose and may in future Against Iran and Russia and all the Emmies of USA it seems and the Policy has bit changed so far and will continue in Near future as well .
Islamic terrorist were called from All over the World and they were settled in FATA and were Provided these free Electricity and Free Water Utilities and accommodation and were trained and made to Attack Neighboring Afghanistan and destroy it and make it Week so that it can sustain the Invasion of USA and its Bases . This was state Policy of Pakistan and it is being Followed in letter in spirit to this Day as Great Game and also Strategic Depth as it is called for the Push of Mercenaries and Taliban Terrorist who are funded by the Drug trade and also the Illegal Smuggling of Weapons to them from Karachi Port to FATA and then to Afghanistan , benefiting the Arms companies in USA and Europe.
FATA was the Launching Pad for this and it is also being used currently for this Purpose and may in future Against Iran and Russia and all the Emmies of USA it seems and the Policy has bit changed so far and will continue in Near future as well .
4. Free Gift or Curse of Bribe :
As Things stand Today this Bribes that is being showered on tribal People has turned into a curse and they are now En Salved under FCR and they are made to think that this Free Gift or Bribe is more then their freedom and also Democratic Rights and also this small Benefit they are getting has turned them into slavery of Modern times that have no parallels and it is harming their Children future and also Progress for the Future generations .
They should Understand this bribe is like a Poison and Cancer that is eating them and their Progress and cannot make them free from this slavery.
Only the Freedom of Democracy and deciding their future is more Important then this Bribe and they Tribals of FATA , should never think of Sacrificing this freedom and Rights to Determine their future which currently lies with their Masters the Kala Sahib Bureaucrats of Islamabad Mainly from Punjab .
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