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Delayed Visit of Chinese President:
The Chinese President came to Pakistan after a one year delay after Punjabi Establishment controlled democrats from a Playboy cricketer Imran khan Aka Taliban Khan , and with his miny skirt wearing Reham Khan ( Ex- BBC weather Girl ) wife both Khans fake match with PMLN by Encroaching the Red zone of Parliament and President house for over a Year. Why this was done was beyond me for now maybe they wanted more from USA and reluctantly agreed to China??.
Like of Imran Khan PTI and Mullah Parties like Jamaat Islami Conveniently chosen by Punjabi Establishment Misrepresent and suppress the Pashtuns of Pakhtunkhwa by suppressing any Genuine Political Leaders of Pashtuns, who really are Interested in Pashtuns or their development.
The shadow Organization ISI of Abpara Spear head of Punjabi Establishment and is its Pride and Bona fied Arm ISI and GHQ, after mutating the By Products from their Previous Creation, The Jamaat Islami, in 1950,s after their Alliance with USA for Great Game to be played Against Russia, created PTI the new Kids on the Block of Punjabi Establishment from Jamaat Islami and why they delayed the Chinese President for a Year is Mystery and anybodies guess.
No CM of Pakhtunkhwa , Gilgit or Baluchistan welcome at President Reception
Route Starts from Gilgit Province which is area next to china , then it will pass Pakhtunkhwa , and then Baluchistan but it altered route is now going west towards India via Lahore Punjab .
So No CM of Gilgit or Pakhtunkhwa or Baluchistan was Invited , only Punjab CM and Daughter of PM as Court Jester or Joker in her un Official capacity was Present to be Present as official Clown was there as she was present without any Portfolio.
Punjabi Nationalists and their Policies of Racism and Bias towards Pashtuns
Such Controlled Democrats and Mullah Military Alliances has provided likes of MQM, PTI and PML (Pakistan Muslim League all Letters) and even the Proxies like the Taliban who Operates in the Shadows Protecting the Punjabi Establishment Policies in Pakistan and outside of it .
Route Starts from Gilgit Province which is area next to china , then it will pass Pakhtunkhwa , and then Baluchistan but it altered route is now going west towards India via Lahore Punjab .
So No CM of Gilgit or Pakhtunkhwa or Baluchistan was Invited , only Punjab CM and Daughter of PM as Court Jester or Joker in her un Official capacity was Present to be Present as official Clown was there as she was present without any Portfolio.
Punjabi Nationalists and their Policies of Racism and Bias towards Pashtuns
Such Controlled Democrats and Mullah Military Alliances has provided likes of MQM, PTI and PML (Pakistan Muslim League all Letters) and even the Proxies like the Taliban who Operates in the Shadows Protecting the Punjabi Establishment Policies in Pakistan and outside of it .
Same Taliban are good at Blasting schools and Leaders Intellectuals or anything that represent Intellect of free thinking , but only in Pashtuns Areas on both sides of Af-Pak specifically. They never do any terrorist activities in Punjab and only less then 1% of Terrorism has occurred in Punjab.
They tried to Kill Education campaigner and Innocent Pashtuns Girls Including 15 Year old Girls Like Malalaa Yousafzai of Swat , who is now a Celebrity and a Pashtun Noble Laureate youngest ever, thanks to Taliban Palto,s of Punjabi Establishment to Kill her .
She was saved by God and Allah’s Miracle as he says , “””You make Evil Plans and I will make my own to stop it as he said in Quran “”” and it created a big Problem for Punjabi Establishment who never liked Pashtuns or their Heroes like Noble Laureate Malalaa Yousafzai and her campaign for education and her Pride and Being a Super Celebrity or even a Planet being Named after her has made them Itch with Jealousy .
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PTI and Jammat Islami Agents of Punjabistan |
Punjabi Establishment wants only Death and Destruction in Pashtun Areas and fear and no education for Pashtun and will support any terrorist or person who will do that for them and bring the money to Punjab from Punjab for them.
Such Tactics that makes only the Pashtuns, west of Indus River and also on both sides of Durand line Target of this kind of Strategy. Punjabi Establishment used this strategy and Policies previously tried and tested in East Pakistan but it also backfired , but they don’t care.
Ultimately Resulting in Bangladesh, Breaking off from Pakistan , amounting to 60% of total Area of Pakistan lands mass. Maybe now the Punjabis are content with 20% only and they don’t care about Pashtuns or Baluchis living with them in peace or in Progress.
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General Ghulam Umer of ISI Father of Asad and Zubair Umar |
Same Mind set is now in Pakistan in form of our Both Generals and it’s supported Controlled Politicians like of Imran Khan Aka Taliban khan and Nawaz Sharif aka Main Taliban of PMLN. Even the one of In charge Lt- General Ghulam Umar of Intelligence Bureaus who Planned East Pakistan , who,s is Name was in Hamood ur Rehman commission report to be Shamed and Hanged till death is alive for Breaking up Pakistan is healthy and Kicking and in fact the Punjabi Establishment both his sons In-charge of Most Sensitive Jobs in Pakistan .
One is Zubair Umar and he is Head of Privatization commission , in PMLN and the other is Asad Umar Party Senior leaders in PTI of Imran Khan Aka Taliban Khan Party .
Wars West of Indus Peace Progress in Punjab East of Indus:
All the War are supposed to be held west of Indus River in Baluchistan , FATA and Pakhtunkhwa to cause Interference in Afghanistan and Install Taliban as their favorites as Don’t Forget Mullah and Military Alliance is their Favorite Policy of Punjabi establishment , even on other side of Durand line just like in Pakistan. They have been using this policy since 1950,s .
Punjabi Establishment will go to Any lengths to Protect it , even to send 20,000 Pakistani troops to Yemen to kill some Infidel Shia,s to help horrible Wahabi Dictators who support our Mullah and Military Alliance Paltoo Taliban Babies and their finances .
Those Arab Wahabi Horrible Dictators f Saudia , Qatar, Kuwait and UAE , who Provide Bread and Better for our Madrissah, and Feed the Monsters who Kill and are Killing our children , this Policy is dear to Punjabis .
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Killing Zone only out of Punjab in Pashtun and Baluchistan Area only |
They want to retain the Network of Terror of Pakistan so that this terror network can work full force and one can earn Money for Overpopulated Punjab and Punjabi Establishment who cannot think of any other way except war mongering on Neighbors to sustain themselves and their Horrible Policies that has ruined Pakistan since 1947 and caused their Neighbors to hate them .
Our Assets the Madrissah,s the Universities of Terror and our Bonafide Policy Objectives of causing Blood shed and Instability in Afghanistan , Indian Kashmir via Taliban and also some Naughty Pashtuns ( Who Wants Human Rights ) in both sides of Durand line in Pakistan area and also west of it in Afghanistan who wants peace or progress for Pashtuns and wants some Peace are now Bonafide targets who raise their voices, but the Terrorist and Taliban are dear to Punjabi Establishment .
Suppression of Pashtuns on Both Sides of Durand line is official Policy of Punjabis.
They call it fancy names, like “”””” Strategic depth”””””” , or Great Game , and also our official defense Policy of Pakistan is Geared around this and is reflected in anything Pakistan does and thinks .
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Killing of Pashtuns and Baluchis is 90% |
The Baluchis Insurgency Is also controlled via this Mechanism, and Taliban has become handy Operating in shadows from Punjabi Taliban likes of those whom we created for Kashmir and India are now active in Baluchistan and causing suppression of Freedom Fighters whom we choose to call now Miscreants or Terrorists even by definition of Pakistan , Punjabi Establishment directly Controlled Media as they are no mood to give Baluchis or even Pashtun of Baluchistan who are more then 70% of Baluchistan their Rights or any education or any representation in Pakistan .
They don’t want to Reconcile with them only want the Barrel of Gun to do the talking and similarity exists in both Policies in Pashtun and Baluchi Areas all west of Indus River .
Read Part 2 By Clicking Here