Pakistan New Game Policy for Pashtuns for China
Even when USA is out of Afghanistan now a Year has almost passed, the same Taliban or our Mullah and Military Alliances are still required more so now, as Proxies borne and Bred in FATA and Baluchistan is tired and tested policy of Paying Pakistan in dollars and Riyals that have served Punjab more then any province .
The Visit of Chinese President Announcing this New Silk route was a Lottery Ticket for Pakistan now they have some use for the Terrorist Proxy Network now.
Now the Chinese strong Economy and the Currency “” RMB ,s””” will finance the same Proxies and Mercenaries , what we call “”””Karai Kay Gorilla’s s “””” Pashtuns Tribals or Taliban from FATA ( which will be left as its is) when Lord Curzon Policies made Policies of FCR40 to suppress the resistance of Pashtuns when they fought British since 1857 to 1947 for whole 100 Years , they Invented such laws.
This Policy was Pashtun specific and Punjabi were Given liberty as Punjabis had Betrayed their People of India and Homeland by joining as sepoys of British East India company .
East Indian company of Britain marching from East to West, from Ports of Indian ocean to West towards Peshawar only had Biharis and Bengalis in their Army , incidentally the same People were made In charge of Pakistan .
The same Policies are made official Policies of Punjabi Establishment under Article 247 , of Current 1973 Constitution , Legalizing these in-Human Laws now under Punjabi Establishment , that is current Policy of Pakistan.
Why Pashtuns who whole Heartedly joined Pakistan via referendum not via Jinnah led Muslim League , is in fact treated like British treated them is both hair raising and cruel , it seems the British left its””” Kala Sahib””” the Punjabis with their Black skin color as their Agents and Loyalists and asked them to continue with their policies on Pashtuns .
The future Policy of Pakistan under Punjabi Establishment will be the same but with a Twist this time financiers will be Chinese , it is now corner stone of Pakistani Policy in Future , these Pashtuns tribes men would be sent to Kashmir , now to makes sure Chinese 50 Billion US dollars in shape of RMB is justified in shape of destabilization in India via Kashmir Which the Pashtuns conquered twice in 1947 held for three years was till 1950 ,and 1998 Kargil but is never really wanted and was dully handed back.
This would make India Destabilized and Teach it a Lesson for siding with USA now leaving its Non- Aligned Policy of not siding with Both USA and Russian Block in cold war under Man Mohaan Singh a Punjabi Sikh and now Mr Moodi a Hindu Nationalist.
India will be forced to send its 1 Million Plus army to Kashmir to stop it from declaring Independence or Accession to Pakistan of Kashmir via its Pakistani Paltoo Islamist Leaders off course the Mullahs of Kashmir , the Mirs and female one Ninja Ladies Mehbooba Muftis etc in Burqas , all Labor of Fruit of last 60 Years when Pakistan raised the Jamaat Islami who made possible the proxies the Taliban from Madrissah,s funded by USA and Saudia and sent them to Afghanistan and Indian Kashmir . it must be noted the 70% of Madrissah,s in Punjab.
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Punjabi Taliban LET , LEJ |
This legacy would be carried on by china now off course they need the Mercenaries “”””Karai Kay Gorilla’s s “””” Pashtuns Tribal from FATA and our use of Islam, for now attacking India in Kashmir for Chinese Objectives and also else where as demonstrated by cases of Ajmal Kasab and attacks on Indian parliament by off course the Taliban Punjab Wing LET , or LEJ based in central Punjab. These Taliban would be Needed more and more as ever.
Status Quo for Pashtun and Policy of No Development for Pashtuns:
Punjabi Establishment will never use Punjab for training of these Taliban, and even the Taliban who are centered in Punjab like Kashmir and India specific like LET , LEJ or SSP , who are also Trained in FATA and never are allowed to do any Terrorism in Punjab.
The Policy of Using Taliban would need training and other activities and for this FATA is the chosen ground as a Launching Pad has been used for last 5 decades since Ayub and Yahya Khan as they started it .
Later Zia ul Haq started into whole some war as Charlie Wilson War under, CIA . That dislodged the Russians from Afghanistan although it was Pakistan who lured the Russians into Afghanistan via support of Taliban who were called as Mujahedeen at that time who would attack Afghanistan from FATA and Soil of Pakistan since early 1970,s under Zulfiqar ali Bhutto and General Yahya Khan.
General Mushraff was also one who used Taliban Mercenaries “”””Karai Kay Gorilla’s s “””” Pashtun Tribals from FATA and our use of Islam, and also FATA was used as training ground for the Taliban Punjab Wing the LEJ , LET and in fact under him the Madrissah almost tripled .
Taliban became ruthless and more Brutal and started the Project of Beheadings and Killed Mostly Pashtuns , Army men from Pashtun like FC based in FATA , local Tribal maliks and Sardars of Tribal Pashtuns were killed in Thousands and with State Patronage and support to Taliban .
There was Absolute Peace in Area of Hazara in Pakhtunkhwa, and in Punjab where no terrorism almost equal to zero occurred less then 1% deaths related to terrorism occurred in Punjab. 99% of Terrorism occurred in places that had Pashtuns that is Baluchistan, FATA, and Pakhtunkhwa.
In fact Osama Bin laden was hidden in Hazara just near the Pakistan Military Academy in Abbot Abad safe and sound till he was Killed like a rat there by USA.
These training activities and camps are reason that the real people of FATA are displaced and their 1000,s of Mailiks are killed in Suicide bombing on them via the Taliban to shut them in Silence.
FATA will be used in Training activities for the new contract that it from training activities, and other Terrorism related activities.
So in Nut Shell the New corridor will finance the Proxies that are now for sale for any body who can buy then and there is a saying if the Russian pays Russian Rubals , the Pakistanis will take on the Americans as well , very Popular on Social media , commenting on mercenary activity of the state.
The Neo Silk route has opened up New Lottery for Punjab who has benefited for all the wars on terrors and its Interference in Afghanistan and as well as Kashmir when India was being Punished for Powers to be the USA , who wanted India to Join it as a Alliance and would use it later for its Ambitions in Afghanistan and in china .
Most of Punjab cities have made its Infrastructure first with 50 Billion US dollars it got from USA in last 30 Years and not a Single Penny was used in Baluchistan or Pakhtunkhwa or FATA or on Pashtuns , In fact it is a Policy to Makes them Illiterate and vulnerable and to easily Indoctrinated with Mullahs partners Punjabi Establishment who control Taliban via them .
This Exact 50 Billion US dollars is now Matched by China and God save the Pashtuns as Punjabi have got the same amount of money meaning another 30 Years of War on their soils for Punjabi hunger and consumption.
There is saying Mercenaries “”””Karai Kay Gorilla’s s “””” Pashtun Tribal from FATA are best Asset of Pakistan has made the Faulty Policies of Punjab based Military and Bureaucracy as Success and Incompetent and corrupt Punjab Leaders and the Over Populated Punjab with no Mineral or Assets like even enough Water , is able to make itself the Richest via such Successful Strategies as “”””Strategic depth””””, and made the Pashtuns who Joined Pakistan not because of Quaid I Azam or Muslim league having Zero Representation , but because of Referendum that is controversial as the Durand line as there was a Sitting parliament elected and that was not consulted .
This has cost the Pashtuns Subjugation of their Generation s and I don’t see any Progress or any Hope from current Pakistan run by Takht—Lahore or the Punjabi Establishment , who has decided to sell the Pashtuns Blood again as on Going Projects , now to China as Assets to be used when ever and where ever they want .
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