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Bleeding Lesion of Congo Virus |
Just like Terrorism is a Subject that cannot be controlled by Pakistan , its army and Government run by Punjab based Incompetent Politicians , known as Pakistan Muslim League , Those who have been ''''Chosen Ones'''', Vetted by and Created by Punjabi Establishment or the Armed Forces and the Punjabi Bureaucracy and Intelligentsia , who,s Narrow Mind dont Understand that Democracy is About Rights of people not the State, we cannot seem to control Infection of ''''''''Congo Virus'''' even .
As I am writing the scores has reached about 100 and Mainly the deaths are in Punjab and Sindh Followed by Balochistan. In Case of Such of Horrible Disease if it had happened in Some Developed Country run by People with Common sense ( Which Is very uncommon in our part of Takht I lahore)
Typical symptoms of Congo virus Fever is , Typically, after a 1–3 day incubation period following a tick bite (5–6 days after exposure to infected blood or tissues), flu-like symptoms appear, which may resolve after one week. In up to 75% of cases, however, signs of hemorrhage appear within 3–5 days of the onset of illness in case of bad containment of the first symptoms: mood instability, agitation, mental confusion and throat petechiae; and soon after nosebleeds, vomiting, and black stools. The liver becomes swollen and painful. Disseminated intravascular coagulation may occur, as well as acute kidney failure, shock, and sometimes acute respiratory distress syndrome. Patients usually begin to show signs of recovery after 9–10 days from when symptoms presented. However 30% of the cases result in death by the end of the second week of illness.
The Usual Cause of Spread of such Disease was the Eid ul Adha , the Annual Sacrifices of Animals in Pakistan which is off course are done in front of houses and in Open in Front of all the family Members and then the Skin of the Animal is also given to Charity Organisations usually the Terrorists and Islamist are in Race to get the Skin , later the Money of these Animal Skins ran to 20 Billion Rupees this time , Tremendously and would be used to Skin the Awam this time in form of Bomb Blasts and Attacks on Police and Security Agencies . Very thoughtful of Awam of Pakistan really .
The Government of Pakistan and its Provincial ones who everyday is involved in verbal Tirades and also spend billions on Useless Politics and the News channels show them with their revenue from Adverts from Capitalist and money making Corporation Mostly off course Multinationals , also pay the Media well for wasting our times on '''''''Non Issues off course'''''''.
Nobody off course , the Media , the Politicians and War Mongering generals, who cares more about their Extensions more then security of Awam and People of Pakistan , Frankly No-body cares about the 100,s of Dead from Congo Virus and many Innocent doctors also died . The Moral Police the Mullahs , who are always the Partners of our War mongering generals love to Kill People the rather Save the Lives , for God Sake , they are 100 People dead and 100 Families with relatives with their loved ones etc . Do these Mullahs care hell no !!!!!!
These Mullah could have asked the People this time not to Do Blood Sacrifice and instead pay the money in Cash as examples like such Exists , as it is '''''Wajib'''' ( Not Mandatory like Faraz , or even example of Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad PBUH) , so if it is Technically Wajib , it could have been Avoided in bulk and avoided the Spread of Disease in such a highly Populated Areas of Pakistan which is 6th most Populous country in the world . So many People lives could have saved . just Like terrorism when our Mullahs and Military Alliances are tooth less and Action Less , in Avoiding and containing terrorism ( rather some claim this is a Business that is money making and people don't want to stop because the Money making would stop) . same is case of Gift of Congo as Mullah don't want to Separate from 20 Billion worth of Free Money coming from Skins of Sacrificial Animals .
As they don't want to stop this money that will fund the terrorists and also the War Mongering which is Now touted the Biggest Export of Pakistan according to our Critics .
So in Nut shell in this land of Pakistan with Policy Making with the Punjabi establishment , something will remain as it is like MQM ( Made with Nawaz PMLN which was also made by the Punjabi establishment) and it would remain even Minus the Altaf Hussain the Dinosaur who ate , whole Karachi and its innocent people with his Hate Speeches . nobody will even be Punished , the Mullah will make a Sacrifice of you the People of Pakistan for his tummy , and money coming as 20 billion Rupees even you Die from Congo Virus in 100,s in Few days .
So would the Punjabi Establishment care less as long it gets extensions and Power Hot seats that it does not want to share with Pashtuns and Sindhis and Baluchis at any Cost at any stage , even it has to sacrifice Common sense and Pakistan Patency and would continue to hunt for Imaginary Enemies left and right , her and there to Blame for its follies and Stupidities The Insanity continues .
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