If this had Happened in a Civilized country Many Head would have rolled for those responsible and Yet in Pakhtunkhwa Government run by Imran Khan or Khar ( Donkey ) as some call him or Aka ""Taliban Khan""" for his support to Terrorist Taliban and their Partners the ""Jamaat Islami"" a Deobandi Organization which Provides the Foot Soldier to Taliban who also belongs to Same ""Takfiri""" Sect.
The Federal Government is run by a Man Known as """Nawaz Sharif ""Created by Army as Proven by Yunas Habib and Air Vice Marshal Asghar Khan case in Supreme court that PMLN and MQM were created as partners in """Strategic Depth""''a term Describing the Attack on Afghanistan and its Domination that our Punjabi Establishment wants to Pursue for its Policy to Enslave Afghanistan and Make its Fifth Province .
The Same People who Made Taliban Also made the Man who is Current PM of Pakistan and Alls the Taliban Sanctuaries in Punjabi and Real Centers are Protected by the PMLN Sharif Family as thier own , and they are Proud to Even Donate the State of Punjab Fund to some of Terrorists like LET and LEJ , and thier Kith and Kin Wives and Children are under thier Safe Protection .
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Sharif Family they Even Share the """Raiwind Land""" , with """Deobandi Tableghis""" and Its Spiritual head """Maulana Tariq Jameel """ donated under Zia ul Hawq in 1979 after the Elected PM of the country was Murdered by the Punjabi Judiciary and Army , from Military Lands from British time when a Factory of """Khaki Uniforms """ owned by Pakistan Army , was Situated there in Takht I Lahore since the Time of British and it used to Make the Khaki Uniform which was Invented by ""Major Hudson "" , in Punjab Regiment Center in Mardan while under Col hary Lumsden .
Hudson Horse , the Famous Regiment who Killed "" Mughal King Bahudur Shah Zafar""" the Last Emporer of India in 1857 ( When Afghanis as Empire over India Ruled 900 - 1857 ) and all His sons by Hanging and Taking Part in 1857 , War of Independence by Some Indian Rebellious Soldier Mostly Hindus ,and Muslims and in this Regiment the father of """Strategic Depth General Ayub Khans""" Father Also served as """Subedar Mir Dad Khan"""
The Same Khaki Uniform was Inherited by Pakistan Army with the Factory in Raiwind Lahore. This Same is Now the Base of all of Terrorists and its Facilitators and Politicians after this Factory land was turned into Raiwind and ""Jati Umra ""' Named after Village of Shari's family in Amritsar Land of Sikhs in India from where they Belong.
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The Sharif Family is Protecting the Terrorists """Taliban""" as its Own and also not doing any Action in Punjab even after ""NAP, National Action Plan was Passed unanimously Passed by Itself and all the Opposition with not a Single Dissenting Vote .
The Reason of not Doing anything against the Real Terrorist Taliban center is Obvious , that Punjab is the real Center of terrorism and not the FATA ( As Media and its Outlets under State Control would let you Believe ).
Punjab is its Focal Point and Yet it is off Limits by Sharif Family of Muslim League and also the Punjabi Establishment the Bureaucracy and Army run by Punjabi's as Dominant Force who still wants to Pursue the """Strategic Depth """ or the ""'Great Game """, Invasion of Afghanistan which continues in 1800,s under British and continues to this day as ""War on Terror"", but now the American have Established Bases in Afghanistan and they are Staying Put there , the Pakistanis are Helping them a Lot with Providing them with a """Valid Excuses """ as Taliban Attacks on Afghanistan with its due Share in the Money as Coalition Support fund and Dollars which are spent on Punjab Mainly in form Metros and Mega Schemes and Project on mostly Punjabi Cities and Pak china corridors all for benefit of Punjab and Punjabi's .
IT is Win Win Situation for Punjab in form of Terrorism, a """Beneficial Business ""form for the Punjab , and War zone for Baluchistan , Pakhtunkhwa , FATA and Sindh . This is very curious situation and is Annoying a Lot of Intellectuals , but the Punjabi Establishment is Staying Put as well and not budging an Inch from its Flawed Policies as Long as it is """Benefiting Punjab""" in form of Funds dished out by USA from its coffers of Dollars from State Department.
It was All Predictive , the Governor who is controlling FATA , is a Punjabi Sardar Jee ( Title of Punjabi's ) Mehtab Abbasi , who runs FATA , under a President who is from PMLN and the PM , off course the Punjabi Establishment man Mr Nawaz Sharif . he was not asked to resign for His failure to Stop the Attacks from FATA and FR region he controls and Polices Via Draconian Laws of FCR and Political Agents.
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He has failed the NAP , National Action Plan to be Implemented in FATA and So has the Taliban Supporter Mian Nawaz Sharif and the Provincial head , Mr Taliban Khan . Both are hand in Glive in this Blood bath and failure of Pakistan as Government .
Yet the Resignation of Governor , and also the Interior Minister of Pakhtunkhwa was not even Demanded and also the CM did not even Visit the site of Terrorism and also the Hospital in the First Place . The People who died , died in vain and for nothing for these Stubborn Idiots and incompetent People .
Imran Khan Lecturers on Moral and Social responsibilities was a Lie and not a Single Minister or IG police Mr Durraani a Punjabi Domiciled IG Police was not even Fired . He is the one who is more interested in collecting """Bhatta""" from Beggars imported from Punjab and from Business from his Skills Learnt in Sindh as IG Police there when Highest amount of Murders happened in 2007 in SIND.
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The FC , or constabulary is Manned by Federal Government that has responsibilities of FR region of Peshawar and so should the Double Barrel Chadhry and a Khan Mr Nisar who resembles Mr Bean the """Cartoonish""" Figure and with """"Chaudhry Nisar Khan """his Wig to conceal his Bald Incompetent Head like the two Sharif known as CTBT or""" Choti Tind """and """Bari Tind""" , Shahbaz and Nawaz Sharifs of PMLN his Bosses , is also a incompetent """Baldi / Tind """ is More concerned about His bald Head and his False Hair Wig then Security of who Cares FR Regions Near and Around Peshawar created by British viceroy to Crush Pashtun of FATA and Still used by These Punjabi's as Policy Tool .
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Responsible are even the """ FATA Parliamentarian ""' , who are Adamant and Insisting the FCR and Article 247 Should continue in 5 FR Regions and Also the 7FATA Agencies . who are also hand in Gloves with Terrorists as Facilitators and Handlers under the Political Agents and FATA Secratariate . Not a Singe one will be Sacked and Resign as Gentleman and are Killeers of FATA Peoile and thgier Blood is on their Hands .
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These People should resign for their failures of Implementing the Securities and NAP , the Corps Commander of Peshawar is also an Incompetent Man and he is not worthy of Praise at all for his lack of Information .
Although there are Reports that , the Provincial Anti Terrorism Department had informed the Badaber base about the Incident and even the Man ,where the Terrorists are Staying and even the Number of Terrorists and yet , the corps Commander Peshawar is only Interested in Harassing the resident of Peshawar by checking the Dates of thier ID card and he is not interested in cleaning the """Fr Peshawar or other 5 FR areas surrounding Pakhtunkhwa from Terrorists it seem and he should have resigned if he was a Gentleman or a Genuine Person with responsibility.
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His Flawed Policies are continuation of his Boss and his Predecessors and it seems they are more concerned with Maintaining Taliban in Punjab then clearing them there , they are making a False sense of Operation in FATA , which is not a terrorist base but it is a """Launching Pad ""'of Terrorists and Real Base is in Lahore in Punjab and its other centers .
It is ironic the when the Provincial Authority has informed them of the Attack and Named the Badaber base as well , the Name of Person in whose House the terrorists were found and also the Number of Terrorist it is Mind Boggling that why this ever happened even Prior Information as Present ?? , this Question also popped up at time of Army Public School and Also at time of Badaber PAF Base Attack and it seems it is plan to continue this Policy as Long as Money keeps flowing from USA as """Coalition Support funds as US Dollars""" and also as Policy of Strategic Depth and Great Game to Conquer Afghanistan will be followed by these Same Punjabi Establishment as State Policy.
It seems the check Post mentality would not Go Away soon by these Idiots and Incompetent Security Providers and their patronage of Terrorists will continue for a Decade More .