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Imran Khan /Taliban Khan |
Blank check and Complete Walk
over in Punjab by PTI and JI:
The present Elections in Senate has clearly demonstrated the Secret Agreements Between the, PTI and PML-N, when a complete Walk over in Punjab was Given to PML-N in Punjab . In fact a Secret and under the Table deal was Brokered by the Punjabi Establishment under the GHQ and its Allied Agency the ISI that has created both parties PML-N , and PTI representing the Interests of Punjabi Establishment .
This eye Opening and Shocking fact was pointed out by Political Experts that PTI even after being a second Largest Party in the Parliament it did not put up a single candidate in the Senate against the PML-N in Punjab.
While it has resigned and not joined the Parliament it fielded its candidates in Pakhtunkhwa part of Senate in order not to Give Advantage ton ANP in Pakhtunkhwa on instructions of Punjabi Establishment.
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Creation of Punjabi Establishment |
While Imran Khan Aka Taliban Khan had being Braying a lot about corruption and Horse Trading and all the false Accusations he was pointing towards the PM-N run by Nawaz Sharif and Indian Immigrant from Amritsar India and Up start and now a Billionaire after his association with Punjabi establishment who created him after famous scandal of Yunas Habib .He and His party was Voting for PML-N and also not fielding any candidates in Punjab in a secret deal .
Imran Khan or Taliban Khan has made a laughing stock of himself and his party has been Dubbed as Neo MQM now of Pakhtunkhwa created to counter ANP.
Punjabi Establishment and
Indian Immigrant Families behind Fake Politicians:
Yunas Habib an Industrialist who own Toyota Indus Motors and used to own Habib Bank and Mehran Bank after Government of Pakistan used to keep all its money in his banks and he and his family owned the Insurance Industries as well is a Creation of Punjabi Establishment Himself.
These Memon Indian Immigrant Families who came in 1947 when Pakistan came into being were Immigrants from India, who brought with them almost nothing and came to Pakistan on Donkey carts as Total Broke, These Indian Businessmen dealt in Old Second Hand clothes in Karachi Light House, Area.
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Yunas Habib |
This Large amount of money to PIDC , Mainly came from USA which was doing Agreement to with Pakistan as NATO Precursor Baghdad and CENTO, Partner Against Russia under Field Marshal Ayub Khan, who had Proposed to USA that they will Use the Tribal FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Area) Pashtuns Against Russia a Policy of Pakistan in 1950,s and which Later became the War with Russia later in 1970,s under General Zia ul Haq.
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General Yahya Khan |
This Idea was sold to them by Punjabi Establishment under Field Marshal Ayub Khan who was amazed by results of First Indo Pak War ( The Only war which we won from India in 1947 ) when Pashtun warriors defeated India and Liberated Kashmir and 100 % of Kashmir both Indian held and Pak held was Kept by them from 1947 to 1950 to be later returned by Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan to India in 1950 after he ordered the Pashtun Warriors to come back .
Ayub Khan family gave the PIDC in control of Yunas Habib Family and his cousins who bought all the Banks of Pakistan and Insurance Industry , made by PIDC and from Loans Pakistan took from World banks and IMF .
These Banker Families also Known as 25 Families of Pakistan now had all the money of Pakistan and they became what illuminati is in Europe , that had all the money of Pakistan and its People.
They could do anything they wanted and they did exactly what they wanted with the help of Punjabi Establishment the GHQ and that was to Create Politicians and their Products are, Mr. Nawaz Sharif who like them was an Indian Immigrant but possessed as a Punjabi and a Punjabi Nationalist. PML-N and Nawaz Sharif Job was to counter PPP and its Socialist Agenda which was according to them against the Capitalism.
The Bankers Mafia now has a Its own PM , and the same Mafia that runs Pakistan with help of Military generals also created an Another Politician that is Altaf Hussian of MQM ,who’s Job is similar to Nawaz Sharif of PML-N, that is to counter PPP in Sindh .
In the Same Way, they have recently Created the PTI to counter the ANP and Pashtuns Resistance to Punjabi Establishment , under Lt-General Mujeeb ur Rehman of ISI , who created PTI from their Old creation the Jamaat Islami ( ISI creation in 1950,s) , as PTI Inherits Most of its Member from Jamaat Islami and most of member are retired army officers with Links to Punjabi Establishment.
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Mualana Moududi |
Jamaat Islami which was created by Field Marshal Ayub Khan and his Assistant in ISI , the General Yahya Khan ( in 1950,s he was a colonel in ISI ) who also Happened to be a Indian Immigrant from India, from Delhi as a Qazalbash Shia. Just like the founder of Jamaat Islami Mr Moududi who was Indian Immigrant a “ Muhajir”, Himself like General Yahya Khan .
General Yahya Khan who was famously , a womanizer and drunkard and Morally a corrupt man and yet he was Instrumental in Bringing Mr. Moududi ( Founder of Jamaat Islami ) from India in 1950,s. Although Moududi had opposed Pakistan and called it Na-Pakistan but his crooked Deobandi / Wahabi Interpretations of Islam were deemed fit for Fighting Russian and ISI and GHQ and Washington thought that it would be favorable to use them and hence Yahya Obliged and since Filed Marshal Ayub Khan had done the Baghdad Pact it was natural to Obey USA by GHQ.
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Arif Alvi Ex jamtia |
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Ex Jamatia in PTI Muhammad Ali and Murad in Back Ground |
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Ex Jamaatia PTI Pakhtunkhwa Speaker and Ex Taliban leader |
Shameful conduct of JI +
PTI to Protect interests of Punjabi Establishment :
So in this current elections both PTI + Jamaat Islami did what it was told that is not field not a Single candidate in Punjab that is it Give a Blank check to its Partner the PML-N and its Leader Nawaz Sharif of Jati umra Amritsar who Titles Himself as “ Neo Ranjeet Sing or Sher-I-Punjab “ , his Sikh forefathers in fact , who fought the Pashtun Muslim who brought Islam to India and wanted to conquer Afghanistan with Help pf British Aid and generals in his Army under Hari Singh Nalwa.
Although Imran Khan Brayed a Lot about corruption and finishing the Government of PML-N led by Nawaz Sharif but his Party gave votes to Nawaz Sharif in Pakhtunkhwa and it was acknowledged by His chief Minister in Pakhtunkhwa Mr. Pervaiz Khattak or PK as he is famously known, openly.
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Subedar Siraj ul Haq of Jamaat Islami Partner of Kaptan Taliban Khan |
So the bottom Line is this that, PML-N , PTI and JI is made by Punjabi Establishment for its Policies of Taking care of Interest of Punjab and that is reason all three Protects the Taliban made by Punjabi Establishment and also protects them and nits Leaders in Punjab Province which is spared by both Taliban and all of Taliban Senior Theological leaders are from Punjab .
Jamaat Islami also protected the Interests of Punjab by Voting for PML-N in Punjab although it makes Government with PTI in Pakhtunkhwa and this “Munafiqat “of highest order that it voted for so called Enemies of PTI.
It is a Shame that a Party that claims it is made in name of Islam can be so shameful that it votes for its enemies to protect the Interest of Punjab and most Surprising is the Fact that PTI keeps mum and also keeps its partnership with JI which Voted for PML-N.
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