The minor girls who were recovered from the house in Liaquatabad's C-1 area of Karachi. |
In a strange turn of Events 26 to 36 Girls were found by police
on Wednesday raided a house in the Liaquatabad neighborhood of North Karachi,
apparently kept in illegal detention after 25,000 rupees were paid fro each Girl to buy them.
According to DIG Central Captain (retd) Tahir Naveed, the
girls Aged 7-14 years old were students of an unregistered Madrissah in Ground
Floor Apartment by a Women from FATA ( Federal tribal Agency Governed by
Islamabad under Article 247 of Pakistan constitution under Lord Curzon British
laws made in 1893 after Durand Line) Bajaur Agency of Salarzai Area Most of
girls were from 7 to 14 Years old and were In Puberty range of Age.
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Baji Hameeda and Girls |
These Girls were found in house of Mr. Ayub ( Many were
found in other part of Karachi Later putting the count to 36) who was resident
of Liaqatabad urdu speaking area Near MQM 90 HQ , and according to his
statement these Girls were Left in house by Baji Hameeda who used to run a fake
Madrissah in her apartment in C-1 area of Liaquatabad ( According to TV news
here Accent was not Pashtun but typical Urdu Speaking Bihari Accent and the
fact that Liaquatabad is home to urdu speaking People and No Pashto Speakers
live there ).
These Girl were discovered after Neighbors discovered them
Hungry at 12am at Night with No food and water in small cramped Apartment of Mr
Ayub (Resident of Liaquatabad with no relationship to Unregistered Madrissah
run by Qari Saifullah ) who gathered
outside his Apartment, the Neighbors in God fearing way gave them Rice to eat ,
and Forced the Police to take Action .
36 Recovered Girls sitting in Child protection |
According to reports of media these Girls were bought by
Qari Saifullah ( Nephew of Baji Hamida) of Unregistered Madrissah situated in
Ground floor Liaqat Abad Apartment( Previously Quarters belonging to Pakistan
Government but issued to Immigrant Urdu Speaking Muhajirs for free after 1970,s
after Capital was shifted to Islamabad), for 25,000 Rupees each from their
parents in Bajaur Salarzai Area.
Qari Saifullah sold these Girls to Mr Ayub (In who,s Neighborhood
Apartment these girls were found by
Police) Hamida Bibi left the Girls in Mr, Ayub Liaqatabad Appartment
Jamshed Road , C-1 Area after Mr. Ayub paid 30 Lakhs rupees to Qari Saifullah.
This clear case of using girls aged 7-14, were sold for money
by a Madrissah which was not even registered is a clear violation of law.
Later on some More Girls were discovered in other Places .
Later on some More Girls were discovered in other Places .
As there is great demand of child female Prostitutes in Dubai and Gulf countries Sheikhs who has Links with Madrissah is open secret and they even buy Boys of same Age as Camel Jockeys , as light weight of boys is ideal for camel racing and their crying and shrieks makes the camel run faster and such Games has official Patronage of Kings of Saudia and Gulf countries.
Even prince Charles Attends such heinous Games as official Royal guests of Wahabi Saudia Dictator Kings, they become part of this child Prostitution ring by paying for this kind of entertainment either its vulgar camel races , or Girls being transported to Harems of Wahabi Sheikhs for their Lust and pleasure and their guests .
The Demand is such that , they Pay Millions for Virgins and young girls who in Hundreds are found in Sheikhs Palaces and harems . Dubai has active Prostitution Destination at par with Bangkok for Pakistan Girls . Even The Taliban / ISIS / Daghish Sold Girls to Arab Sheikhs from Syrian Refugee camps in Turkey and Lebanon and Iraq as reported by BBC and Reputable media organizations recently belonging to same Age group of teen ager Girls .
The MQM who helped them in this way is Highly Appreciated
for their role if they had not prevailed this Atrocities and inhuman Behavior and
human Smuggling and women trafficking would have escaped the world.
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Altaf Hussain MQM Leader |
Mr, Altaf hussain, MQM 90 HQ Cabinet Elected an Non Elected
and Minister Rauf Siddique and MQM media cell
are all worthy of Praise and glory for exposing this heinous scandal and
may Allah grant them Ajar in Akhirat for this , I thank Mr Altaf hussian for
this job well done .
Infact MQM had demanded Publically to ban Jamaat Islami to
be banned in Pakistan for such Activities run from Madrissah and for Atrocities
against man kind in Sindh Assembly recently and its role in East Pakistan rapes
of East Pakistan women . they are not far from being right , Brava Mr Altaf
In order to be partner in this Brothel Activity Pakistani
Media, and hide the crime of Mullah Military Alliances who runs these
Madrissah, under Wafaqul madaris , falsely described Baji Hameeda as Resident
of FATA Bajaur Salarzai area ( She can be charged under FCR40 While in Karachi
even as Dr Shakeel Afridi was charged while he committed a crime in Abbotabad for his Osama Bin laden case ) , yet she
managed to do Bail before arrest Illegally, as FATA resident are supposed to
Punished under FCR 40 according to Article 247 of Pakistan constitution.
All Madrissah in Pakistan run under Wafaq ul Madaris ( Not
under Any Ministry of Pakistan Federal or Provincial though ) and it is
controlled by Mullahs sanctioned by Pakistan Punjabi Establishment the Military
and Bureaucracy Partnered in this Islamic Brothel Activities as they take no
Action against such cases .
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Nawaz Sharif with his Boss . |
These Mullah Military Alliances are supported by media who
are full of Punjabi Anchors who are , Sanctioned and vetted by Punjabi
Establishment, tried their best to confuse the People of Pakistan as it always
do to save such crimes of Mullahs who have now become Millionaires and
The Law and Judges
are also Naked in this Islamic Brothel to sell their Mothers , daughters and
sisters and FATA and Pashtuns are their Chief target. They have never Punished
Mullah Aligned with Pakistani Establishment .
As they did in Case of another Deobandi Madrissah in
Manshera Hazara Pakhtunkhwa a few months Back where a Qari Naseer used to Pick
up Girls from Girls schools and used to Gang rape her in a car and make Adult
Blue Movies of those Girls and used to Sell them on Internet.
The courts , the Media and bureaucracy and Politicians like
Imran Khan aka Taliban Khan who has links with Taliban and most of his Party
members came from Jamaat Islami like Assad Qasier , Shah Farman , Dr Arif Alvi
, and Also Ijaz Chaudhry Punjab Province President are all ex Jamaat Islami
Deobandi clerics and ex member of Taliban Terrorists .
PTI and Jamaat Islami shrugged the matter under the
Carpets , the Girls of Manshera who’s
Allegation of rape case Highlighted it
Later committed Suicide and that mater of made File Closed matter and locked in
secrecy and the Relatives of those girls were made to shut up Mouths .
Political agent APA Bajaur Mr Sherpao came and took away the girls to be Handed
over to same people who had sold the Girls to people who were using them for
nefarious Purposes of running human Smuggling and prostitution Brothel and
selling Girls aged 7-14.
Secretariat was so quick that they ordered a Special chartered plane to take
these girls from Karachi to Bajaur , and would not let the Media based in
Karachi to Pray on this Juicy News .
Punjabi Governor Pakhtunkhwa Sardar jee Mehtab Abbasi of PMLN |
FATA Sardar Mehatab Abbassi ( It is Pity
Nawaz a Punjabi Mohajir could not find a Pashtun from FATA or Pakhtunkhwa ) who
is of a Punjab Descent Governor of FATA as head of FATA, ordered a Chartered
Aircraft ( costing Million to tax payers just to hide their criminal Activities
quickly wanted to transport the girls to FATA to hide from media houses and
reporters) although the Police had not even completed their paper work for many
Girls but within 24 hours these Girls were whisked away from Spot Light .
Baji Hameeda and Qari Saifullah who was released on bail of 50,000 and 100,000
Rupees ebven when media was saying they are FATA Residents under Article 247 of
Pakistan constitution , are Required to be charged by FATA secretariat under
FCR40 even when a crime is committed in settled Area jurisdiction of Karachi (
As done in case of Dr Shakeel Afridi ) .
matter handling is clear evidence that Governor KPK Sardar Jee Mehtab abbassi and
FATA Secretariat under Nawaz Sharif and
APA Bajaur Sherpao were clear partner in crime of this Prostitution Ring under
Un registered Madrissah running a Liaqatabad Apartment and Human Smuggling even when she could have
been dealt severely it was brushed under carpet and MQM and Human Right Minster
Mrs , were threatened and their Mouths were made shut .
How come a Speedy Bail was granted to Hameeda Baji , when
under FCR40 under which no bail is
Possible and crime was committed under FATA
jurisdiction when they were sold there and then brought to Karachi and
Money was clearly exchanged .
This puts more suspicions on Political Agent Yahya Akhunzada and
Mr Sherpao who seems to be Part of this as Nothing is possible in FATA without
the consent of Political Agent as he is considered as Most Power man even more
then President of Pakistan and there is no Law of Pakistan or even Supreme
court to challenge Political Agent for any of his actions .
Mr Azam Khan Additional Secretary FATA , under PTI Goverment of Imran Khan ( Himself a Playboy and Dubious Character ) was Suggesting Chartered Aircraft for these Girls to
be brought to Bajaur so much was Anxiety and speed was so much required there
are daily flight from Karachi to Peshawar of PIA , Shaheen Airline, Air blue
but he suggested Chartered Aircraft .
All these things are hair Raising and Important matters that
should be Investigated but they are being covered and many high ups Involvement
is clear as Evidence pours in.
TheTaliban ensured that Parents of FATA , should send their girls to so called Madrissah in Karachi and they blew away about 4000 schools in span of 5-10 Years in FATA right from time of Generals Mushraff to Nawaz
and Imran Khan PTI government and still counting .
Girl schools the parents were forced to send their girls to Madrissah since the
Religious Political Parties and their Fascists Taliban militant wings made the
Western education as Un Islamic and punishable by violent death due to Weapons
supplied by our Punjabi Establishment with USA wars in Afghanistan and Iran.
However Mr. PTI, Jamaat Islami who Government runs
Pakhtunkhwa and FATA secretariat is full of Bureaucrats from Pakhtunkhwa and
Jamaat Islami seems to partner in this crime and tried to hide this crime by
Blacking out media and not doing anything at all for the poor helpless 36 Girls
aged 7 to 14 years old and not exposing what seems to be Prostitution ring
where clear exchange of money as transaction have taken place between 2 Parties
and Human Girls of marriageable and teen age have been sold (Punishable under
law ) and bought and trying to be part of Zulum and part of this crime .
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Siraj Ul Haq head of Jamaat Islamic |
In fact Jamaat Islami tried to hide this crime by Demanding
Girls be returned to Madrissah which is not even Registered and Imran Khan Aka
Taliban khan not even uttered a word , for people who Governs Pakhtunkhwa and
FATA , he was quite when Qari Naseer owner of Manshera Madrisah were Gang Raping Girls in his 4 Million
Toyota vehicle and Making Blue moves in
Manshera and even no Minister of Pakhtunkhwa Govt under PTI and Jamaat Islami
visited the Parents of girls who committed Suicide .
It is now well understood that how these Mullahs obtains
these expensive Vehicles and Weapons and Luxury Life style and multiple wives.
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Imran Khan Aka Taliban Khan with His Boss. |
It is well understood of Most of these Criminal Madrissah,s
belong to Wafaq Ul Madris and are about 25-30 Thousand in number and Most of
them are not registered with Govt of Pakistan who does not Monitor them and an
Open permission is given to them to Operate In Illegal way , as they Have
backing of Establishment .
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Field Marshal Ayub Khan Chief Architect of Great Game and Strategic Depth in 1950,s when he Joined NATO as CENTO and Baghdad Pact with USA and had to use Islam to counter Russia. |
Most of their Heinous Criminal Activities are out of Punjab which is another
fact that Establishment Damn care about their activities as Majority Province Safety
Guarantees have been Provided by most of Religious Leaders of these Religious Organizations
who parent organization in Jamaat Islam which was recently Banned in East Pakistan for their involvement in heinous
crimes to humanity like Rapes of 35,000 Muslim Bangladeshi women when East
Pakistan was Gaining Independence from Punjab Influence and asking for Rights
for about 60% of Pakistan .
Most of Mullah of Jamaat Islami were found to be criminals and Most of them are now up for hanging in East Pakistan and two are already seen the Punishment by Hanging from Gallows , and Pakistan is not recognizing these crimes and it is Providing Overt and Covert Support to Mullahs as Mullah Military Alliance as Policy of Great Game and Strategic depth is still on and is chief Foreign policy Involving crushing of Pashtuns and especially Tribals
Most of Mullah of Jamaat Islami were found to be criminals and Most of them are now up for hanging in East Pakistan and two are already seen the Punishment by Hanging from Gallows , and Pakistan is not recognizing these crimes and it is Providing Overt and Covert Support to Mullahs as Mullah Military Alliance as Policy of Great Game and Strategic depth is still on and is chief Foreign policy Involving crushing of Pashtuns and especially Tribals
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General Yayha Khan a Muhajir from Shia Qazilbash Immigrant from Punjab Delhi Who created Jamaat Islami as ISI Head under General Ayub Khan |
In fact Jamaat Islami ( Creation of Shia Qazilbash Indian Immigrant General Yahya Khan a
Drunkard and Womanizer Pakistan Army chief who as ISI under General Ayub Khan chief of Army Staff of Pakistan Army Brought Moulana Moududi founder Jamaat Islami from India in 1952 to form
Jamaat Islami in Pakistan and later he used it in East Pakistan and was Start
of Mullah Military Alliance ) and their Splinter
terrorist Organization made from member of Deobandi Jamaat member like Lashkar
Jhangavi , Lashkar Tayaba , Jaish Muhammad , Tableghi Jamaats ( Known as TTP
and Punjabi Taliban ) and Taliban all factions are their offshoots . The Establishment never stopped using them .
Taliban caused this human tragedy but they are supported by
establishment even when Girls and human Smuggling for Money is involved they will look the other way .
All Pakistan Religious Organization are expression of Punjabi
nationalism ( falsely Introduced as Pakistani nationalism in grab of Islam ) and their Pardon of Punjab explain it very
Clearly and that is reason they are Known as Mullah Military Alliance .
PTI is all made from Jamaat Islami Members as Explained
before and are new Jamaati Islamists in Jeans for Practical Purposes and Imran
Khan a Playboy turned Cricketer cum Politician is prize trophy of Jamaat Islami
that has rebranded Jamaat Islami and form Government with them in Pakhtunkhwa as
well absorbing their previous members who are ex Taliban themselves.
In fact the Deobandi Influence in the Parliament under
Islamic ideological council comprising of members of islamist Politicians, passed
a law recently that allows for underage Marriages by Passing the Pakistani
constitution that only Allows for 18 year olds to be married and Deobandi
Islamists endured that girls of Puberty should be married even when puberty
comes at 10 or 12 years old age . Paving way for Child trafficking to Arab sheikh
customers, in Wahabi Gulf States in grab
of Islam, who are found of virgins and teenagers.
Without this law it was difficult for child trafficker to
Export them as child needs Parents and guardians to travel Abroad and make
documents even fake ones were not Possible.
When these Girls were Discovered Imran Khan , known as Captain
( Army Name ) and Siraj ul Haq ( Probably a JCO ) of Jamaat Islami who forms government
in Pakhtunkhwa + FATA , did not utter a single Word and they never did when
Gang Rape and blue scandal was done in Manshera they did not Utter a Single
word as well .
It is Ironic the 36 Girls will be handed Back to Same People
who were responsible in Child Pornography and Human Smuggling and who care a
hoot about IDP and these Girls and Probably has a Share in this Racket as this happening
since 2008 according Local Mailiks of Bajaur FATA.
The Government of Pakhtunkhwa acted very Speedily and not
even completed the documentation of the girls which is very suspicious and when
People in Bajaur were Arrested under FCR40 by Political Agent Azam Khan , why
the Baji Hamida was not charged like Dr Shakeel Afridi under same FCR40 and
brought to Jail in Pakhtunkhwa ?? , Raising Eyes brows and Suspicions that
Government high Up are part of this prostitution Racket including PTI and Jamaat
Islami .
Media is most Important Part of this and to cover the News
of Baluchistan ( Where Pashtuns also Live ) FATA and Pakhtunkhwa is its Number one
Priority , this scandal could not be afforded to become Public Knowledge so Charter
Aircraft , media spreading confusion and not giving it spot light and showing
Boring speeches of Imran khan and Nawaz League is its number two Priority.
So it did what it always do , it never even showed the faces
of Madrissah Owner Qari Saifullah or Baji Hameeda ( which Part of Planet she is
now a official confusion) , or even Mr
Ayub who bought the girls for 25,000 rupees ,paying all together 30
Lakhs to Qari Saifullah and Baji Hameeda who did personal Delivery to Mr Ayub
in his cramped Apartment in Liaquatabad.
Media can show faces of girls ( Even the 36 Girls who were
sold of Bajaur causing shame and Misery for their parents who did not show up )
who are Raped or abducted to cause them to commit suicide but not the faces of
Terrorist and Human child and Lady Smugglers or Brothel Runner how convenient .
This Magic is only specialty of Pakistani media who are Part
and parcel of Punjabi Establishment , how shit Lies are spread and reality is hidden
all run by Ex Jamaat Islami members and Punjabi Anchor who are familiar faces
you know already .
has Provide Punjabi Establishment an open hand to bulldoze Baluchistan FATA and
Pakhtunkhwa in what ever manger they can be Suppressed and crushed and no
Questions asked as it is terrorism and media will be part of it as it has share
in their Prostitution ring as in Words of General Akbar Khan Liberator of
Kashmir in 1947, “Pakistan is country which is like a Beautiful Girl which has
to sell itself again and Again “
of FATA , tribal Area , Article 247 and Maintaining g Laws of Lord Curzon is just
a Policy and essential to tie the Pashtuns to their Jihalat and Poverty if they
wake up , Punjabis will loose their Money earned as US Dollars and Saudi Riyals
for which these Policies and Taliban are created .
what 36 little child Prostitutes from FATA can do to change Pakistan? Nothing and Pashtuns will do nothing will ever
happen and you can all sleep thinking it is not you are your daughter who is
being sold to Arab Sheikhs for his
Pleasure in grab of Madrissah and Islam as even if it is a Brothel operating , it is Islamic so who cares even in Takht I Lahore
own Deobandi Tableghi Markaz and Asia biggest Brother in hera Mundee can
Operate side by side , it can also do that in FATA who cares ?.