DOCTOR IS A POWER LESS IDIOT , he is easy to Insult and make a Scapegoat in Pakistan , and it is same in Army and Civil Services or Serpents of Pakistan .
When CM Punjab , of PTI , Mr Buzdar , is Suspending a Doctor who was trying to save a Life of a Patient , by Asking him to get Medicine from Outside shop with his own Pocket as there was Shortgae of Medicine in Hospital in Acute Emergency Section of the Hospital .
The CM Is trying to Suspend the Trauma Center Doctor for this Good Deed for which he should be Appreciated as He acted with common Sense . Off Course the Procurement of Medicine is Job of Health Sectary , and the Hospital Administrator ,
who are Responsible for this and not the trauma Center Doctor . But who will educated the Duffer who we elected as Chief Ministers and as our Rulers , off course both the PTI and PML are Right wing Punjabi Establishment Parties that are brought to Power by the Bosses in GHQ ,
the Uniformed Generals from Mainly Punjab , As there is Miss conceptions' in Pakistan that Army generals should not be selected by Merit but by the Populations of Certain Province and with Certain Ethnicity which is Punjabis .
The Same Punjabi Establishment is both the Pakistan Army and the Bureaucracy and Judiciary with Majority of this Ethnicity Punjabis .
Same Punjabi Establishment will never be Punished for the Foolish Acts they do and the Harm they do to Pakistan
and off course he CM Punjab is not so Dumb to Punish the Bureaucracy and the Army as they are the ones to Get him the Seat he is in as CM Punjab and even the Selected PM his Boss Mr Imran Khan or
even his replacement the Nawaz Shareef Family as both are same Selected Punjabis .
Regarding the Short coming running of Health Department , In Pakhtunkhwa Under PTI Imran Khan Cousin Mr Burki , all Pakhtunkhwa Doctors are being employed in his Private company . , who are taking all salaries in Mr Burki Account from Govt of Pakhtunkhwa.
then the Idiot Doctors of Pakhtunkhwa will be are being Paid from His account that after deducting his commission. This is not corruption , but the Punjabis consider it as an innovation and Smartness.
Off Course the Punjabis run Media with Oral Sexy , Punjabi Anchors will call it Inqilab and also Tabdeli and will Praise it to the Skies and cross all the Limit of Vulgarity and Cheapness , which is nothing but a Favour between Punjabis .
They think Democracy and Laws are just minor Details that has no Meaning between a few punjabsi here and there .
When CM Punjab , of PTI , Mr Buzdar , is Suspending a Doctor who was trying to save a Life of a Patient , by Asking him to get Medicine from Outside shop with his own Pocket as there was Shortgae of Medicine in Hospital in Acute Emergency Section of the Hospital .

who are Responsible for this and not the trauma Center Doctor . But who will educated the Duffer who we elected as Chief Ministers and as our Rulers , off course both the PTI and PML are Right wing Punjabi Establishment Parties that are brought to Power by the Bosses in GHQ ,
the Uniformed Generals from Mainly Punjab , As there is Miss conceptions' in Pakistan that Army generals should not be selected by Merit but by the Populations of Certain Province and with Certain Ethnicity which is Punjabis .
The Same Punjabi Establishment is both the Pakistan Army and the Bureaucracy and Judiciary with Majority of this Ethnicity Punjabis .
Same Punjabi Establishment will never be Punished for the Foolish Acts they do and the Harm they do to Pakistan
and off course he CM Punjab is not so Dumb to Punish the Bureaucracy and the Army as they are the ones to Get him the Seat he is in as CM Punjab and even the Selected PM his Boss Mr Imran Khan or
even his replacement the Nawaz Shareef Family as both are same Selected Punjabis .
Regarding the Short coming running of Health Department , In Pakhtunkhwa Under PTI Imran Khan Cousin Mr Burki , all Pakhtunkhwa Doctors are being employed in his Private company . , who are taking all salaries in Mr Burki Account from Govt of Pakhtunkhwa.
then the Idiot Doctors of Pakhtunkhwa will be are being Paid from His account that after deducting his commission. This is not corruption , but the Punjabis consider it as an innovation and Smartness.
Off Course the Punjabis run Media with Oral Sexy , Punjabi Anchors will call it Inqilab and also Tabdeli and will Praise it to the Skies and cross all the Limit of Vulgarity and Cheapness , which is nothing but a Favour between Punjabis .
They think Democracy and Laws are just minor Details that has no Meaning between a few punjabsi here and there .