Disconnect with Awam or People :
Eid 2015 came after a Long Ramzan ul Mubarak and it was day of Festivity for Muslim all over the World and Pakhtunkhwa that is facing Miseries that are created by our State of Pakistan run by Punjabi Establishment run by a few Handful of Punjabi General who are selected more by their Domicile and their Place of Birth Near and Around Lahore and Central Punjab.
Most of generals control our Foreign Policy and Internal Interior Policy Directly Via Martial Laws and Indirectly by their created and Manufactured leaders that were first Inserted into Jamaat Islami , then Muslims Leagues All Letters and latest in PTI Insafiyans or Justice Party Youthias , after our Generals Thought that why should the Leave Pakistan to Real Elected Leaders via Votes that are usually found in the Left wing of Political Parties , so they Manufactured the whole Right wing Political Leaders and parties .
Manufactured Parties are as Follows :
a. Pakistan Tehrik I Insaf ( PTI )
When Floods were occurring in KPK and People were Dying and being Swept away in flood In Chitral Pakhtunkhwa , and in Abductions and Bomb Blasts that still occur once a Week in Pakhtunkhwa .
I million IDP, are in camps in hunger and in shelter Less Environments, the PTI led by a Playboy Cricketer turned Politician , with his Political naivety and lack of know How of Pakhtunkhwa , as he is Punjab domiciled.
Being a Politician and being Extremely Arrogant and Proud , Imran Khan is more concerned about his Power seat and Power clout as a PM . Lacking Proper Popularity and being only Popular on Face book and twitter he Assumed he is very popular in Pakistan and with his connections with Punjabi Establishment who don’t want a Real Khan but favors a Banaspati one !!!. ,
Imran khan is a perfect candidate and a |fall guy just like his uncle , Lt General Niazi who too all the Blame of East Pakistan separation on his head instead of Racist and Narrow Minded Punjabi Generals like Rao Farman ali Khan and General Ghulam Omar who were Architect of Operation Search Light that culminated in Massacres in East Pakistan and ultimately in separation of East Pakistan
Same Famous Architects of Punjabi Establishment son are now on Top Positions in in PTI as Asad Omar and other one is PMLN both Right wing Parties Made by Punjabi Establishment of GHQ and Bureaucracy .
As he could not digest his Loss at the Hands of PMLN Sharif family who are more Dear to Punjabi Establishment then Mr . Imran Khan as there is Khan in His Name just like Ishrat ul Abad Khan or Babur Ghuri who are sort of Banaspati of Fake Pashtuns as Assumed by People of Pakhtunkhwa as they don’t Speak Pashto and speak Punjabi or Urdu .
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Punjabi Establishments Own Men |
During the floods Mr. Imran Khan was not found any where in Pakhtunkhwa and in Chitral or in Even in IDP camps that awaited him and he made Lame Excuses as he was busy with his wife in Luxurious Nathia Gali and in Secret Meetings with Establishment other Party the Party Led by Tahir Ul Qadri.
The two helicopter that were Bought for such Disasters were not used at All and were sued to transport Imran Khan and his New 40 Year old wife and her multiple children to be Transported to Nathia galli and there they had secret Meetings with People .
Arrogant and Mr Imran Khan cares no More for People of Pakhtunkhwa as he thinks if he has the Military and Punjabi Establishment on his side he does not need to win the Hearts and Minds of Pashtuns or Baluchis .
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Tehrik Taliban Pakistan |
The People who Lost their Kids in APS school were not even visited by a Single Member of PTI or their team and neither the PMLN or JI and JUI .
The Parent on Eid cried and remembered their Kids and asked God what they had done wrong to be Punished so much and they had to Undergo Such Misery and Pain in this day .
Off course they did not knew that , Imran khan or Sharif Brother or Nothing but Servants of Punjabi Establishment and they don’t care about them or their Kids and who died like cats and Dogs and will continue to die in future as long as our Punjabi Establishment considers the terrorist their ticket to Money making schemes and also tool to Invade Neighboring countries like Afghanistan and India and Iran and China as well .
b. PML ( Muslim Leagues)
The Awam which are real Pakistan feel a disconnect with Manufactured Leaders of Right wing of Pakistan that is the Sharif Families of corrupt Business men who were made from Slums of Punjab Takht I Lahore , from Interior of Lahore cramped Houses and Narrow Lanes from Immigrant families from Indian Punjab Amritsar Jati Umra.
They were Bestowed with Lands by Punjabi Establishment in Raiwind from those occupied by the Military Manufacturer of Khaki Uniform Factories in Raiwind to Main Sharif handpicked by General Zia who himself was an Indian Immigrant from Same Area of Jalandher and Amritsar
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Sharif With His God Father of Punjabi Establishment |
General Zia a Punjabi who Ruled Pakistan as Military Fascist Pakistani Dictator supported by USA and Israel for his Great Game role in conquering Afghanistan from Russian Communists , who were In fact called by Zia himself after he sent the Taliban first in Afghanistan in 1971.
Gen Zia from Jalandher Punjabi Indian Immigrant who Made two Power Political parties Favorite of Punjabi Establishment , that is PMLN and MQM , both Right wing Political Parties .
Muslim League is also very Favorite of Punjabi Establishment and 70% of Pakistan has been ruled by them for Last 55 Years and they have the Govt during a Decade of General , Zia when Nawaz Sharif son of Same Immigrant Mian Sharif was made PM of Pakistan and his other Son was Made CM of Punjab which is 70% of Pakistan.
Muslim League and the Mullah of Jamaat Islami represent the Punjabi Establishment very well and they don’t care about Pashtuns or thier Massacred Kids of APS or Any Problem of IDP , or Pashtun Genocide or the Economic conditions .
In Fact the highest Number of Taxes are Levied on Pakhtunkhwa and its People as Racism and as hate of Pashtun who ruled the fore father of Punjabi , the Ranjit Sings and they Indian for last 1500 Years till 1857 .
Punjabi feel proud of their Hindu heritage of Ranjeet Singh rather then the Muslim heritage of Pashtuns as Ghaznavis and Ghoris ( Buried Near Rawalpindi in Jehlum Area ) , and even the Name of Pakhtunkhwa or their History is Banned in Pakistan and not Included in Sylabus , while Pashto is National Language in Indian it is not in Pakistan What a Shame .
In Fact the highest Number of Taxes are Levied on Pakhtunkhwa and its People as Racism and as hate of Pashtun who ruled the fore father of Punjabi , the Ranjit Sings and they Indian for last 1500 Years till 1857 .
Punjabi feel proud of their Hindu heritage of Ranjeet Singh rather then the Muslim heritage of Pashtuns as Ghaznavis and Ghoris ( Buried Near Rawalpindi in Jehlum Area ) , and even the Name of Pakhtunkhwa or their History is Banned in Pakistan and not Included in Sylabus , while Pashto is National Language in Indian it is not in Pakistan What a Shame .
c. MQM
Both of These Parties have no connection with Awam , as Karachi is Horrible Place to live with Horrible Water and Population Problem , with accompanying Law and Order Situation that can be compared to Waziristan and accompanying Yemen or Libya or Iraq .
Still, MQM a Fascist and Racists’ Punjabi Establishment Supported Organization rules it since General Zia 1980 coup and dictatorship and its Leader are Given a clean Nod by Punjabistan to go Ahead with Massacres and Loot and Plunder of Sind and Karachi and its Leader are Protected by Allowing his Horrible Speeches on TV that are shown Live , by suspending Adverts even .
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MQM + Punjabi Establishment Partners |
The Pakistani Media and state are Hand in Gloves with MQM and its Horrible Practices and it uses this Organization for its specific Purposes of Targeting Pashtuns of Karachi which Houses the highest Number of Pashtuns in Whole World in Karachi.
MQM has never Opposed the Punjabi Establishment and it always is sort of B team of Punjabi Establishment and has toppled the Left wing Governments after getting a Nod form the Punjabi Establishments like Benazir first Government.
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Terrorist Factories |
MQM also did Massacre of Pashtuns hundreds were killed on 12 May 2007, when a Nod was given by Punjabi establishment head General Pervaiz Mushraff after he Killed Benazir Bhutto of PPP , via his Proxy forces of Taliban .
MQM has no representation in Baluchistan and Pakhtunkhwa and has no Meaning for its People what’s So ever
d. Jamaat Islami +JUI
Jamaat Islami and Jamaat Ulema Pakistan , is Punjabi Establishment own Parties that were Main base as it thinks that they are Best keepers of Pakistan ideology which it thinks is Islamic and Pakistan is Islamic country .
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Why No Action Against Taliban and Alqaeda Political Wing |
But the facts are far from this both these parties are Deobandi ideologue Parties made from a Madrissah Establishment under the British Lord Curzon in 1864 in Punjabi in Deoband city .
Mududi was called by the Punjabi Establishment Secretive Arm the ISI in 1950,s from India to Make Jamaat Islami under a Drunkard and womanizer Indian Immigrant Kazalbash Shia from Delhi General Yahya Khan as its Head and under Filed Marshal Ayub Khan as Army Chief .
The Wahabi and Deobandi Ideology was used to conquer Afghanistan as Ayub Khan has sided with USA under President Roosevelt of USA , in 1950,s to Use Islam against communism and to conquer Central Asia for Oil and Gas , and Minerals and they used the Mullah and the Mosque .
The Punjabi Establishment made from remnants of Ranjeet Singh Army of Sikh Punjabis , and Muslim Punjabis , as Punjabi Regiment and Piffers , started the base of Pakistan Army as Khaki’s , this same Khaki Uniform used Islam as Advised by CIA and USA .
Moududi was a Perfect candidate for it and he had a lot of Extremist and Purist view that were similar to Wahabi,s , Views .
They supplied the foot Soldier for Proxy Armies of Taliban and also Theoretical base of Taliban ( who were called Mujahedeen till they were Fighting Russians ) , this suited the CIA and USA . but under Generals Mushraff the Guns were turned on People of Baluchistan and Pakhtunkhwa that were Carefully disguised as War for Liberation of Afghanistan .
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Qazi Hussain With Taliban ( Mujahideen at that TIME) |
Actually the Afghanistan was Made slave under USA under this CIA devised and ISI and Punjabi Establishment Scheme that we Experience today in Deaths of 5.5 Million Afghanis’ and Pashtuns and Worst Modern day genocide that ever happened in History of Mankind .
With Such High demand of this islamist and Fascist Political party that is always provided with Seats in Pakhtunkhwa , what ever the stakes , as Ayub Khan had Promised the USA , “”” We have Pashtuns , as a Power that can Defeat communism “””, he had used then in 1947 Against the Indian Army to get 100% Kashmir , which was returned 3 years Later in 1951 by Liaqat Ali Khan after he Signed a Peace deal with India. Later the Pashtun did defeat the Russians in 1990 as Operation Cyclone of USA or Charlie Wilsons war as it is Known .
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Paki Generals and MMA Taliban Leaders |
So this Kind of Fascists and Monster as Right wing Punjabi Establishment party what to expect of them to Work in floods or relief work or even Sympathize with Army Public Schools Kids ( Mostly Kids were Non Army Personnel and Belonged to Pashtuns ) and their parents who were Slaughtered by their Own Foot soldiers is something near to Impossibility .